• Every great

    Journey starts with

    one Step!

Heian Shodan – Peaceful Mind One

Heian Shodan is the first Kata that you will learn when you start your journey with Blackpool Shotokan Karate. Heian Shodan translates from Japanese to English as Peaceful Mind One and is a great introduction to Kata. The Kata itself consists of 21 movements in total and the Karata-ka will be introduced to the following techniques:-

+ Downward blocks
+ Middle level punches
+ Hammer fist strike
+ Rising blocks
+ Knife-hand blocks

In order to progress through the grading system, you will need to perfom Heian Shodan twice, for 9th Kyu ( white and black belt ), you will perform it to count. For 8th Kyu ( yellow belt ) you will perform the kata from start to finish to your own count.

Tanaka Sensei November 2022

Tanaka Sensei from our headquarters in Tokyo stopped by our sister dojo in Bamber Bridge Preston to give a training session to all SKKIF associated clubs in the North West. He also sat on two 1st Kyu’s Shodan gradings, which were a success.

During the course of the evening Tanaka Sensei covered many topics including:-
+ Kihon Basics
+ What makes an effective stance
+ Utilising hip movement to generate power
+ Yoko geri kekomi ( side thrust kick )

Returning to Karate after a long break – Stuart’s story

I first came to Blackpool Shotokan in 2000 before stopping for family
reasons in 2001 after several successful grading examinations. When
my youngest went to University, I looked online to resume where I
had left off.

I was delighted to find that Renshi Ray Wilkin had continued to run a
karate club in Blackpool for the whole period and knew there was no
need to look any further.

A couple of texts later and I resumed my Karate journey in Autumn
2021, apprehensive as to what to expect of karate and myself. I
need not have worried. I was allowed to ease myself into a few
sessions of basics before working on areas that I had last tackled 20
years previously. I would never say it was easy. I don’t believe it
ever will be but I feel so much happier in myself that I have taken this
opportunity now.

You could travel many miles to seek the quality of training that can
only come from significant experience in instructing and Renshi Ray
gives this each and every time he leads a class.
I’ve no hesitation in recommending the dojo for its open, friendly
and positive nature where everyone is encouraged to become better
versions of themselves.

Renshi Ray Wilkin personally oversees the sessions and his recent
successful grading to being one of only a handful of 7th Dans in the
country was testament to the quality of his training provision and a
depth of knowledge arising from a lifetime of dedication to the art.
He is supported by Sensei Andy and Sensei Henry as Club Instructors
who themselves have many years of experience to draw on when
teaching students. Their ability to engage and deliver to all students
means that everyone learns something from attending the dojo.