Steve Burgees
Steve Burgess

Sensei - 2nd Dan

Sensei Steve Burgess – 2nd Dan

After years of putting it off and life just generally getting in the way, Sensei Steve decided to make the commitment and attended his first training session in 2009. Sensei Steve initially found Karate difficult, ( as do most beginners ) because it requires you to learn different stances and switch between them numerous times as well as doing these left and right handed. Sensei Steve didn’t participate in sports or fitness before he started Karate so really was starting at the beginning.

Sensei Steve enjoys Karate because it keeps him physically & mentally fit, reduces stress whilst promoting self discipline and respect. These are all things that are an important part of his life.

Heian Shodan is the first kata I learnt and introduced me to the basic stances, punches, blocks and turns. I found this kata challenging to grasp but overcame self doubt by looking at the higher belts and using this as inspiration to succeed

Steve BurgessSensei / 2nd Dan